Dystopia 2153 is divided into three episodes, each following a group of friends on a quest to save their world that has been overtaken over by AI. Will they escape or will evil bots catch them? There is only one way to find out.
Within each episode are story-driven coding games. These hands-on activities help promote problem-solving skills along with creative & abstract thinking. Explore all the episodes and solve all the levels!
Educators can create student accounts, and browse the suite of Teacher Resources for coding guides, answer keys and more. No coding experience is required!
Explore one of the most popular genres of literature today—graphic novels! Through stunning graphic novel artwork and action-packed text, Dystopia 2153 will get students excited about reading, while motivating reluctant readers. Consult the Literacy Guides for teaching themes and lesson activities.
With each Episode, students gain more advanced coding skills as they progress to more complex activities.
Dystopia 2153 is web-based; no installation is required. For optimal user experience, we recommend desktops, laptops, Chromebooks, or netbooks running the latest version of a major web browser.
The artwork is exquisitely dark and beautiful. The coding lessons are well thought out and I appreciate all the opportunities to practice while levelling up.
Iain Brodie, Grade 7/8 Educator, Toronto, Canada
A dystopian future is common in graphic novels however, the execution is what makes this interesting and unique from most graphic novels.
Grade 7 Student, Toronto, Canada
Dystopia 2153 allows my struggling readers to shine with coding skills while challenging my high-level students. I cannot recommend it rough!"
Robin Kuhn, K-12 Educator, Iowa, USA
The drawings were really nice and the coding is the most creative thing about it.
Grade 7 Student, Toronto, Canada
Dystopia has been wholly conceived, developed and produced by TEACH Magazine, a national, educational publishing company based in Toronto, Canada that has been operating since 1993.
From its roots in traditional magazine publishing, TEACH has evolved into a digital media development company creating cutting edge digital resources for teachers and students everywhere.